
Land. Beauty. Commitment

Welcome to the Science Museum of the University of Navarra, a space for the dissemination of science, the result of decades of collecting scientific samples and research in the service of science, nature and human beings in the university environment.

Here you will find the exhibition of our zoology, botany and geology collections, among others. They represent different aspects of the natural world such as the diversity of species, their adaptations, evolution, the fauna of different parts of the world or the traditional uses of natural resources.

The Science Museum offers you the chance to enjoy numerous activities on biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and other science-related disciplines, so that you can learn about the reality you live in, admire its beauty and become involved in caring for it.

The Science Museum is situated in a privileged location: 

  • In Navarre, where biological diversity and natural wealth are some of its identifying features and turn the territory into a complete showcase of nature.

  • It is a unique campus in Spain, with more than 4,190 trees of 173 different species and a wide variety of shrub species. Almost one hundred species of vertebrate animals have been identified in this area.

  • In a university where the three pillars of the project come together: a university museum that educates, researches and communicates science. An open museum where students, teachers, researchers and the general public interact in the middle of the exhibitions, which facilitates the transmission of knowledge between society and the university.