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22 | 10 | 2020

First Spanish immunotherapy completes its first phase of research in patients with cancer resistant to immunotherapy

TextoMaría Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells


21 | 10 | 2020

Fuzzy logic applied to decision making. This is the research that can help companies to be better

TextoEnrique Cobos



16 | 10 | 2020

The University and Caja Rural de Navarra are committed to female, scientific, technological and social leadership.

ImagenManuel Castells


13 | 10 | 2020

The Science Museum of the University of Navarra celebrates the International Day of Ada Lovelace, the first programmer in history, with a video about her life.

TextoEnrique Cobos


08 | 10 | 2020

CRISPR wins Nobel Prize

TextoJavier Novo

ImagenManuel Castells