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Lluís Montoliu and Rosa Menéndez to speak in Pamplona on rare diseases and the role of women in science

The conferences, open to the public, will take place on Tuesday, March 26 and Wednesday, March 27 at the University of Navarra.

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25/03/19 14:40 Laura Juampérez

The scientific popularizer Lluís Montoliu and the president of the CSIC, Rosa Menéndez, will participate on Tuesday, 26th, and Wednesday 27th in the cycle "Science open to others" of the University of Navarra. The event has been organized by a group of students from the Colegio Mayor Belagua in collaboration with the Science Museum of the academic center.

The first talk, entitled "We are all mutants: researching rare diseases", will be held on Tuesday, March 26 at 7.45 p.m. in the auditorium of the C.M.Belagua. It will be given by Lluís Montoliu, researcher at the National Center for Biotechnology CNB-CSIC and author of popularization books such as Editando genes: recorta, pega y colorea.

On Wednesday 27th at 7 p.m., in the auditorium of the Science Building (Hexagon), a round table discussion will take place entitled "Women in science: how far can they go?This debate, organized in collaboration with the Women for Science and Technology group of the University of Navarra, will be attended by the president of CSIC, Rosa Menéndez; the president of the Spanish Society of Oncology (SEOM), Ruth Vera; María José Calasanz, scientific co-director of CIMA University of Navarra; and Pilar Lostao, professor of Physiology and vice-rector of Relations of the academic center.

Both the talk and the round table are free and open to the public.