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Environmental Science students bring nature closer to Navarre schoolchildren

The Santísimo Sacramento school in Pamplona includes several workshops and activities on Nature in a school project for primary education.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
09/08/19 09:23 Enrique Cobos

Ten students from the University of Navarra's Environmental Sciences at the University of Navarra have implemented during this academic year an environmental education project at the Santísimo Sacramento school. Santísimo Sacramento school in Pamplona. The students of the degree have developed a set of activities related to nature and the environment in which the children of a 3rd grade classroom have participated.

The aim of this activity was to bring schoolchildren into contact with nature and to transmit to them the importance of caring for the natural environment. "The objective was to offer them an opportunity to come into contact with nature to work on environmental issues in a complementary way to what they usually work on in the classroom," says Ana Villarroya, head of the Environmental Education course at the University of Navarra.

One of the activities carried out was the collection of plastic caps to make a set for the play at the end of the school year party. In addition, students participated in workshops and games on nature at the University of Navarra Campus where they were able to identify animal species and trees, or learn how waste is managed, among other issues.

The students of the degree and monitors of this educational experience have highlighted the involvement and commitment of the school and the students in the proposed activities. Sofía Montoro, Environmental Science student and project monitor, highlighted the importance of children experiencing nature on a sensory level: "We wanted to teach them to enjoy the environment, because appreciation of nature comes from an early connection with it".

This environmental education project -which was developed at the beginning of April- will be carried out next year in the same school and within the framework of the Environmental Education and Communication course taught in the Environmental Sciences degree at the University of Navarra.