
Scientific Culture Unit

Scientific Culture Unit

With the creation of the Scientific Culture Unit (UCC), the University of Navarra aims to promote actions related to the dissemination and communication of science, and the advice and training of research staff in the dissemination of science and technology. At the University of Navarra, the UCC is associated with the Science Museum and works in coordination with the Vice-Rectorate for Communication and the Vice-Rectorate for Research.

The University of Navarra is committed to society with regard to the transmission of scientific knowledge. The communication of R+D+I results is one of the relevant actions carried out by the academic institution to transmit to society the science that is done in its different faculties and research centres. The UCC also promotes scientific dissemination events for the general public as well as training courses for scientists and researchers. 

The UCC of the University of Navarra is registered by the FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (reference number 114), and is part of the UCC+i Network.